Date Posted
31st Jul 2018

Omni Recreation Competition

When: Saturday 1st September 2018

Where: Omni Gymnastics Centre, 58 Flanders Ave, Onekawa, Napier

Age Groups5 Years / 6 & 7 Years / 8 & 9 Years /10 years & over

Age as per the start of Term 3

Entry Fee$12 per gymnast

We accept cash, cheque, EFTPOS or internet banking: 031517001913900

How to enter (Omni members): Click ACCEPT on invititation email, and you are in.

Entries Close: Friday 17th August

All payments received by the above date will be gifted a “Gymnastics

Is Flippin’ Fun” wristband!*

Late entries may be accepted at the discretion of the competition organiser       

Awards: Certificates of participation

Ribbons of achievement for everyone

Overall medals per age group

Wristband for early payments

Door entry: Gold Coin Donation

Competition Programme: $3

Timetable: It will be sent out after the closing date for entries

Canteen: A large range of food and drinks will be sold at the venue

LeotardsNew stock of training leotards will be available for sale at the event


*To be picked up on the event day