Latest News
Term 2 bookings open Monday 25th March for members to book their current class.
Term 2 booking dates:
Current class members may book current class- from Week 9 March 25th
Current members may change class from Week 10 April 1st
Waitlist members may book from Week 11 April 8th
New members may book from April 15th
Holiday Programmes
We are running our Christmas Holiday programme from December 18th to 22nd
There are three options
All day- drop off from 8.30, pick up by 3.30pm
Gymnastics Only 9am-1030am
Flippig fun Monday and Wednesday 1-4pm.
Book via this link:
December Holiday programme booking.
TERM 4 2022
Term 4 is well underway with lots of activity going on. We still have a few limited spaces, so be quick.
Term 2 2023
Term 3 is well underway now. While many of our classes are full, we do have a couple of spaces left.
We still have very limited spaces for Term 3
We still have a few spaces in our 8-9-year-old boy's groups and our 10+-year-old groups. In our pre-school, we still have some spaces on Wednesday and Friday. Our Trampoline Programme has some spaces in our 5:30 pm class for 10-15 year-olds.
If you are looking for Parkour, we have a class for 8+-year-old for girls and boys on Friday at 6:30 pm with a couple of spaces.
Term 2 start date confirmed
Term 2 start date is Monday June 8th. There are still spaces in classes book via the Register tab.
Term 2 bookings now open for new and existing members.

New Term 2 start date: To be confirmed. Classes are filling so make sure you book to keep your child's place in their class. If you have already booked, you will receive a credit on your term account and the invoice resent. You will appreciate this process will take time.
Book via this link:
Or email and we
20 Reasons your Pre Schooler should do gymnastics
What if Johnny never learns a cartwheel? Or how about if Janie never masters holding a handstand? Would there still be any value in putting your preschooler in a gymnastics class?
Yes, I say.
Absolutely, yes.
In addition to it being a lot of fun, here are twenty reasons your preschool aged child should do gymnastics that have nothing to do with learning gymnastics.
Separation . Learnin
Parent & Child Classes now availble for children aged 18months-3 years.
Book via this link to the registration page.
Term 1 2020 bookings now open for current members. New members will open on January 6th.

Ask us about our new Parkour class
Registrations via this link:
Or email to
No classes Friday October 25th or Monday October 28th

Due to public holidays there will be no classes on Friday the 25th or Monday the 28th of October.
Saturday and Sunday classes run as usual
Term 1 2020 bookings now open for current members.

Ask us about our new Parkour class
Click Register and follow the instructions. Email if you need help.
Term 4 bookings open for current members. Be in quick, classes are filling fast.

New member registrations will open on September 30.
Term 3 spaces still available: Book now
Limited spaces on most days still available but classes are filling fast. Book now to avoid disappointment. if you need help with our online system, please email us on
To book online: current members log in using your account details, new members click the register tab, then the under 18 button.
Term 2 bookings now open

New member bookings are now open via the register tab above.
Please email to find out which classes have space, phone 068435410 or facebook message via our facebook page.
Term 3 Holiday programme registrations now open

Book now for our very popular holiday programme.
Suitable for ages 5-12
Three options available:
School Day 9.00 -3.00 $40/ day
Gymnastics only 9.00 - 10.30 am $15/ day
Flipping Fun (Wednesday only at this stage) 1.30-5.30 pm $30/ day
Or book both school day and Flipping fun for a special price of $55.00/day. (You will need to email us for this so we know to adjust your account)
New Holiday Programme Option
We have added the "Flipping Fun" holiday programme. Click on the picture to see what the children will be doing.
It will run from 1.00-5.30 pm daily Monday- Friday.
All participants will receive a free OMNI wristband.
Cost - $30/child.
$55 for All Day 9-3 + 3-5.30 pm in Flipping Fun
2019 Term Dates
Term 1: 4 February - 14 April
Term 2: 29 April - 7 July
Term 3: 22 July - 29 September
Term 4: 14 October - 15 December
Hawke's Bay Today, 13 October

Gymnastics: Golden girl Laura Johnson loses pain, makes gains to tumble all the way to glory
Hawke's Bay Today, 29 September

Gymnastics: Omni centre member Thomas Dew should be in line for bling if sun aligns with stars
Hawke's Bay Today, 17 September

Gymnastics: Rhythmic exponent Lia Horsley punctuates Hawke's Bay drive at nationals
Omni Junior and HBPB Pre-Junior Competition

When: Sunday 23rd September 2018
Where: Omni Gymnastics Centre, 58 Flanders Ave, Onekawa, Napier
Levels: WAG Steps 1-3
MAG Levels 1- 3
Entry Fee: $50 per gymnast
Clubs will be invoiced on receipt of entries
How to enter (Omni members): Click ACCEPT on invititation email, and you are in.
Closing Date: Friday 31st August &
Omni Recreation Competition

When: Saturday 1st September 2018
Where: Omni Gymnastics Centre, 58 Flanders Ave, Onekawa, Napier
Age Groups : 5 Years / 6 & 7 Years / 8 & 9 Years /10 years & over
Age as per the start of Term 3
Entry Fee : $12 per gymnast
We accept cash, cheque, EFTPOS or internet banking: 031517001913900
How to enter (Omni members): Click ACCEPT
Holiday Programme July 2018

Our popular holiday programme is running again Monday to Friday the 9th - 20th July.
These holidays you can choose between the all day program , or if you just want gymnastics you can book into our gymnastics program , which runs from 9 - 10.30 am daily.
Drop off for the all day programme is between 8.30 and 9 am and pick up between 3 and 3.30 pm daily. To registe
Silver for Tom!

Silver for Thomas Dew in Australia
Click the link above to read the article in HB Today
Thomas Dew and Zayne Coffey representing New Zealand

Our gymnasts competing in Aussie Champs!
Click the link above to read the article in HB Today
Omni Gymnastics finalist for the 2018 Hawke's Bay Sports Awards!

From all nominated clubs, only four are now competing for the "Zeelandt Brewery Grassroots Club of the Year"
Greendale Tennis Club (Tennis)
Omni Gymnastics Centre (Gymnastics)
All in Netball Touch Club (Netball/Touch)
Napier Old Boys Marist Rugby Football Club (Rugby)
Go Omni!
2018 Term Dates
Term 1 starts on Monday January 29, and ends on Sunday April 15th
Term 2 - Monday 30/04/2018 - 06/07/2018 No Saturday Sunday class 7/8 July due to competition
Term 3 - Monday 23/07/2018 - Sunday 30/09/2018
Term 4 - Monday15/10/2018 - Sunday 16/12/2018